The network’s assessment and intervention protocols have been scientifically developed and tested . The assessment yields family-specific goals that are incorporated into the service plan. The service plan guides the step-by-step movement through the intervention phases, and identifies specific treatment goals within each phase as well as overall lynchpin issues. In addition to the intervention goals, the program promotes collaboration with community agencies and other service providers to create comprehensive treatment plans to meet families’ therapeutic needs.
Published research on the Circle of Security® Intervention indicates that it is an effective intervention for reducing disorganized and insecure attachment in young children, and has little or no likelihood of negative side effects. A study of the attachment classifications of high-risk children in Head Start whose parents participated in a 20-week Circle of Security® intervention group found that approximately 70% of the children originally classified with a disorganized high-risk pattern shifted to organized lower-risk patterns by the end of the protocol. In addition, 75% of those who shifted to an organized pattern moved to a secure classification, which is the healthiest child attachment pattern. This is in contrast to studies of low-income community samples in which the disorganized patterns have a stability rate greater than 70% without intervention. Finally, of the 13 children classified at the beginning as secure, only 1 shifted to an insecure pattern, and this stability rate for the secure classification is higher than that found in longitudinal studies of attachment.
Hoffman, KT, Marvin, RS, Cooper, G, & Powell, B. (2006). Changing toddlers’ and preschoolers’ attachment classifications: The Circle of Security Intervention. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 74, 1017-1026.